Setelah sebulan di anak tirikan oleh sekolah undang-undang, penuh sawang dah blog den.
Being a final law student is fun! It is! No joke one.... But, if you do it ALONE, you will suffocate and die in a gloomy dark never ending ..... * exaggerated* hehe..
Yes, it is fun, but you can't face it by yourself. You need friends to handle all the evil lecturers together! Most of them are EVIL. Suppose to be 'in character' to teach us how to face more ferocious monsters in the future (katanya...) Assignments after assignments are suppose to trip you over and over EVERYDAY so that you learn how stand taller and taller on each tripped journey. FUH!. It's hard baby!
Final year is the year where all of us unite to survive. Finally we get to know each other better (after 3-4 years of studying together XP ) Alhamdulillah.
I've decided to focus on my 23rd birthday 'celebration this time. So, shall we not speak about 'les meserables' as happy thoughts and moments will be highlighted =D
Let us start with le Gun n Roses... They are my buddies! I've 'warned' them not to have any celebration. Simple makan-makan at Mamak's will do. I don't want them to plan any surprises either (i have sixth sense you see, once caught, it's hard for me to fake a 'surprised' smile you see..) hahaha.. banyak songeh.. Tapi, they have to bear with it la kan.. nama pun buddiesss.. XD sorry sayangs
6th of March :
Warning semua tak jalan sebab they did make an ADVANCE 'surprise celebration' XP... We went to Domino's Pizza and i had my FIRST birthday Chocolate cake! ('first' because they are more to come..hehe) It's not an ordinary cake, it's a LAVA Chocolate cake! Yummayh! Thanks korang for the pizzas and cake! Semoga rezeki korang bertambah hendakNya..
8th of March :
The blessed day start with this 'one and only' Lecturer mengamuk over little things then kick herself out of the class XP. Then, everyone had a panic attack sebab dah buat Lecturer murka. Then, everyone berkampung kat library untuk finalize this 'one special' assignment before the due time. Semua kelam-kabut masa tu over 'what should be the right format' lah, 'theories over why this one particular lecturer mengamuk' lah..'how many cases tu put' lahh ..photostate this and that lah..MACAM-MACAM lah.
What a day to celebrate my birthday...
Things changed when i found a RED HANDMADE CARD in my bag. Deep inside i am so touched =') Despite the hectic week, my dearests manage to spend some alone time to express their thoughts into words in that special card. Special indeed!You only need 2-3 pieces of paper and some colourful pens then...WALLA!, you can touch somebody's heart with it! Ever thought.. The lesser you spend, the happier you will be?! ;)
Here are some pics for ya..
Ok! cerita tak habis lagi...
On the very same day, i went out with my other circle of friends. We decided to have our luncheon in Fullhouse, Lifestyle store & cafe at Wangsa Walk. Worth every penny i tell ya.. Sedap!
Masa tengah sembang-sembang, tiba-tiba a group of people sang Birthday song for me from behind! Only Allah knows how i blushed. Malu lah! Dah besar. Satu cafe pandang!
Bella sponsored a super yummayh Chocolate MOIST cake! Super moist i tell ya.. Makan sekali nak lagi punya guarantee XP (so, this is my SECOND birthday cake. hehehe).. Thank you dear.. Love you guys so much XOXO
Later that evening, i received TWO slices of Secret Recipe's Chocolate BROWNIES from my dear friend...Umar! Thanks dear.. sedap sangat! Tapi dah tak larat nak makan. Stomach full oledy.. So, i've decided to (unwillingly)share my brownies to others T_T hahaha... One once said, sweet would be sweeter when we share it with others.
Below is my THIRD birthday cake/brownies! =D
WAIT! there are more episodes to go! Please bear with me! hahaha
12th of March :
It was another hectic day of the GAMELAN family decided to celebrate March babies on that day! Another surprise!.. thank you lovesss <3 p="">
This time, it was RED VELVET CAKE with CREAM CHEESE FROSTING! yummayh!
p/s: Thank you Halimah Saadiyah! Susah-susah je geng dengan Azreen =P
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Alright! Enough for this entry.. To be continued in another post soon! (iye..ada lagi, Episode tak habis lagi dik..haha)3>
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