A Korean television series based on a novel - Deep Rooted Tree, authored by Lee Jeong Myeong.
Any plant has its roots underneath as well as flowers on the upper part. Without the roots, the whole structure will collapse. As regards to the flowers, they are replaceable.
There is an association called 'Milbon' which strongly believe that they are the roots of the country. Whereas the King is a mere flower.
The former King has been trying to kill all the members of the association but to no avail. Believing that the country will has a better future by using different method of ruling, the son of the King refuse to follow suit his deceased father actions on killing everyone suspected to be involved in Milbon activities. Everyone means EVERYONE. Tiada belas kasihan. "All for a greater cause".
The story evolves on how Milbon slowly comes back to life and threaten the King, secret project conducted by the King for years, revenge of a son for his father, friendship, politics and love. Don't get too attached with any character and don't judge any character before you know the reasons of his actions. I like the way it makes you think on the answers of all questions and mysteries. By not judging the characters beforehand, you will allow yourself to think of different possibilities and solutions as to why certain things have been done in certain ways.
Hahaha..I know, it is heavy. Not a kind of story to de-stress but it will take you to a different world and adventure (if..the internet connection behave =P) The 13th episode among all 24 episodes is my favorite.
Attached together are 2 songs with different genre from the series. Enjoy =D
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