this moment...the moment i am typing for this entry..the kitchen SMELLS so good! (cookies are/were in the oven!) he he he
If you followed my previous entry (click here Non-stop eating) i did mention about my dad requested for MORE cookies before i went back to uni.. So, here i am..baking cookies for my dad.
My oven has signs which i couldn't understand (which sign is for what purpose???) Apalagi..i asked Mr.Google lor..haha..this is the link
The above link was randomly chose. It helps. So, problem solved! hahaha..Selama ni aku masak suka hati je nak pakai sign ape..muahahaha.. Sekarang baru tau setiap sign ade its own special purpose. Sorry oven..i mistreated you unintentionally =P
As for now..i've eaten TWO COOKIES! ohmai ohmai..hahaha..
Carbs lover ;)